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Valentina Colonna
Die 1990 in Turin geborene Lyrikerin und Pianistin veröffentlichte 2010 ihren ersten Lyrikband "Dimenticato suono" (Manni), 2015 folgte "La cadenza sospesa" (Nino Aragno Editore).

Die Lyrik von Valentina Colonna ist eine Blume voller Musik und Einsamkeit. (Davide Rondoni, Lyriker & Autor)

»I have picked up a shadow
while I was waling up the stairs.
I was just on my way down.

While I was touching the shingles
I lost an idea. I rolled down the roof
wrapped in my laundry.
Then the wind moved the strings:
and the same idea kept rolling down
overwhelmed with emptiness.

The wagon was just passing by.
- Flatus Fluit Ad Fortunae
Fossam -

I have just watered
my flowers.«
(Aus: La cadenza sospesa, Aragno 2015, translated by Pietro Federico)

Teilnahme an Literatur & Wein: 2017